alias ImGui::TopLevel::ImGuiCol

Alias Definition


Defined in:

Constant Summary

Border = 5
BorderShadow = 6
Button = 21
ButtonActive = 23
ButtonHovered = 22
CheckMark = 18

Checkbox tick and RadioButton circle

ChildBg = 3

Background of child windows

DragDropTarget = 48

Rectangle highlighting a drop target

FrameBg = 7

Background of checkbox, radio button, plot, slider, text input

FrameBgActive = 9
FrameBgHovered = 8
Header = 24

Header* colors are used for CollapsingHeader, TreeNode, Selectable, MenuItem

HeaderActive = 26
HeaderHovered = 25
MenuBarBg = 13
ModalWindowDimBg = 52

Darken/colorize entire screen behind a modal window, when one is active

NavHighlight = 49

Gamepad/keyboard: current highlighted item

NavWindowingDimBg = 51

Darken/colorize entire screen behind the CTRL+TAB window list, when active

NavWindowingHighlight = 50

Highlight window when using CTRL+TAB

PlotHistogram = 40
PlotHistogramHovered = 41
PlotLines = 38
PlotLinesHovered = 39
PopupBg = 4

Background of popups, menus, tooltips windows

ResizeGrip = 30

Resize grip in lower-right and lower-left corners of windows.

ResizeGripActive = 32
ResizeGripHovered = 31
ScrollbarBg = 14
ScrollbarGrab = 15
ScrollbarGrabActive = 17
ScrollbarGrabHovered = 16
Separator = 27
SeparatorActive = 29
SeparatorHovered = 28
SliderGrab = 19
SliderGrabActive = 20
Tab = 33

TabItem in a TabBar

TabActive = 35
TabHovered = 34
TableBorderLight = 44

Table inner borders (prefer using Alpha=1.0 here)

TableBorderStrong = 43

Table outer and header borders (prefer using Alpha=1.0 here)

TableHeaderBg = 42

Table header background

TableRowBg = 45

Table row background (even rows)

TableRowBgAlt = 46

Table row background (odd rows)

TabUnfocused = 36
TabUnfocusedActive = 37
Text = 0
TextDisabled = 1
TextSelectedBg = 47
TitleBg = 10

Title bar

TitleBgActive = 11

Title bar when focused

TitleBgCollapsed = 12

Title bar when collapsed

WindowBg = 2

Background of normal windows