alias ImGui::TopLevel::ImGuiChildFlags

Alias Definition


Defined in:

Constant Summary

All = 255
AlwaysAutoResize = 64

Combined with AutoResizeX/AutoResizeY. Always measure size even when child is hidden, always return true, always disable clipping optimization! NOT RECOMMENDED.

AlwaysUseWindowPadding = 2

Pad with style.WindowPadding even if no border are drawn (no padding by default for non-bordered child windows because it makes more sense)

AutoResizeX = 16

Enable auto-resizing width. Read "IMPORTANT: Size measurement" details above.

AutoResizeY = 32

Enable auto-resizing height. Read "IMPORTANT: Size measurement" details above.

Border = 1

Show an outer border and enable WindowPadding. (IMPORTANT: this is always == 1 == true for legacy reason)

FrameStyle = 128

Style the child window like a framed item: use FrameBg, FrameRounding, FrameBorderSize, FramePadding instead of ChildBg, ChildRounding, ChildBorderSize, WindowPadding.

None = 0
ResizeX = 4

Allow resize from right border (layout direction). Enable .ini saving (unless ImGuiWindowFlags_NoSavedSettings passed to window flags)

ResizeY = 8

Allow resize from bottom border (layout direction). "