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class SF::Window
inherits SF::WindowBase #

Window that serves as a target for OpenGL rendering

SF::Window is the main class of the Window module. It defines an OS window that is able to receive an OpenGL rendering.

A SF::Window can create its own new window, or be embedded into an already existing control using the create(handle) function. This can be useful for embedding an OpenGL rendering area into a view which is part of a bigger GUI with existing windows, controls, etc. It can also serve as embedding an OpenGL rendering area into a window created by another (probably richer) GUI library like Qt or wx_widgets.

The SF::Window class provides a simple interface for manipulating the window: move, resize, show/hide, control mouse cursor, etc. It also provides event handling through its poll_event() and wait_event() functions.

Note that OpenGL experts can pass their own parameters (antialiasing level, bits for the depth and stencil buffers, etc.) to the OpenGL context attached to the window, with the SF::ContextSettings structure which is passed as an optional argument when creating the window.

On dual-graphics systems consisting of a low-power integrated GPU and a powerful discrete GPU, the driver picks which GPU will run an SFML application. In order to inform the driver that an SFML application can benefit from being run on the more powerful discrete GPU, #SFML_DEFINE_DISCRETE_GPU_PREFERENCE can be placed in a source file that is compiled and linked into the final application. The macro should be placed outside of any scopes in the global namespace.

Usage example:

# Declare and create a new window
window =, 600), "SFML window")

# Limit the framerate to 60 frames per second (this step is optional)
window.framerate_limit = 60

# The main loop - ends as soon as the window is closed
  # Event processing
  while (event = window.poll_event)
    # Request for closing the window
    if event.is_a?(SF::Event::Closed)

  # Activate the window for OpenGL rendering = true

  # OpenGL drawing commands go here...

  # End the current frame and display its contents on screen

Included modules


Direct known subclasses



.new(mode : VideoMode, title : String, style : Style = Style::Default, settings : ContextSettings =

Construct a new window

This constructor creates the window with the size and pixel depth defined in mode. An optional style can be passed to customize the look and behavior of the window (borders, title bar, resizable, closable, ...). If style contains Style::Fullscreen, then mode must be a valid video mode.

The fourth parameter is an optional structure specifying advanced OpenGL context settings such as antialiasing, depth-buffer bits, etc.

  • mode - Video mode to use (defines the width, height and depth of the rendering area of the window)
  • title - Title of the window
  • style - Window style, a bitwise OR combination of SF::Style enumerators
  • settings - Additional settings for the underlying OpenGL context
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.new(handle : WindowHandle, settings : ContextSettings =

Construct the window from an existing control

Use this constructor if you want to create an OpenGL rendering area into an already existing control.

The second parameter is an optional structure specifying advanced OpenGL context settings such as antialiasing, depth-buffer bits, etc.

  • handle - Platform-specific handle of the control
  • settings - Additional settings for the underlying OpenGL context
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Default constructor

This constructor doesn't actually create the window, use the other constructors or call create() to do so.

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.new(*args, **kwargs) : self#

Shorthand for window =; window.create(...); window

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#active=(active : Bool = true) : Bool#

Activate or deactivate the window as the current target for OpenGL rendering

A window is active only on the current thread, if you want to make it active on another thread you have to deactivate it on the previous thread first if it was active. Only one window can be active on a thread at a time, thus the window previously active (if any) automatically gets deactivated. This is not to be confused with request_focus().

  • active - True to activate, false to deactivate

Returns: True if operation was successful, false otherwise

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Close the window and destroy all the attached resources

After calling this function, the SF::Window instance remains valid and you can call create() to recreate the window. All other functions such as poll_event() or display() will still work (i.e. you don't have to test open?() every time), and will have no effect on closed windows.

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#create(mode : VideoMode, title : String, style : Style, settings : ContextSettings)#

Create (or recreate) the window

If the window was already created, it closes it first. If style contains Style::Fullscreen, then mode must be a valid video mode.

The fourth parameter is an optional structure specifying advanced OpenGL context settings such as antialiasing, depth-buffer bits, etc.

  • mode - Video mode to use (defines the width, height and depth of the rendering area of the window)
  • title - Title of the window
  • style - Window style, a bitwise OR combination of SF::Style enumerators
  • settings - Additional settings for the underlying OpenGL context
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#create(mode : VideoMode, title : String, style : Style = Style::Default)#

Create (or recreate) the window

If the window was already created, it closes it first. If style contains Style::Fullscreen, then mode must be a valid video mode.

  • mode - Video mode to use (defines the width, height and depth of the rendering area of the window)
  • title - Title of the window
  • style - Window style, a bitwise OR combination of SF::Style enumerators
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#create(handle : WindowHandle, settings : ContextSettings)#

Create (or recreate) the window from an existing control

Use this function if you want to create an OpenGL rendering area into an already existing control. If the window was already created, it closes it first.

The second parameter is an optional structure specifying advanced OpenGL context settings such as antialiasing, depth-buffer bits, etc.

  • handle - Platform-specific handle of the control
  • settings - Additional settings for the underlying OpenGL context
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#create(handle : WindowHandle)#

Create (or recreate) the window from an existing control

Use this function if you want to create an OpenGL rendering area into an already existing control. If the window was already created, it closes it first.

  • handle - Platform-specific handle of the control
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Display on screen what has been rendered to the window so far

This function is typically called after all OpenGL rendering has been done for the current frame, in order to show it on screen.

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Closes the window and frees all the resources attached to it.

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#framerate_limit=(limit : Int)#

Limit the framerate to a maximum fixed frequency

If a limit is set, the window will use a small delay after each call to display() to ensure that the current frame lasted long enough to match the framerate limit. SFML will try to match the given limit as much as it can, but since it internally uses SF.sleep, whose precision depends on the underlying OS, the results may be a little unprecise as well (for example, you can get 65 FPS when requesting 60).

  • limit - Framerate limit, in frames per seconds (use 0 to disable limit)
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#settings : ContextSettings#

Get the settings of the OpenGL context of the window

Note that these settings may be different from what was passed to the constructor or the create() function, if one or more settings were not supported. In this case, SFML chose the closest match.

Returns: Structure containing the OpenGL context settings

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#vertical_sync_enabled=(enabled : Bool)#

Enable or disable vertical synchronization

Activating vertical synchronization will limit the number of frames displayed to the refresh rate of the monitor. This can avoid some visual artifacts, and limit the framerate to a good value (but not constant across different computers).

Vertical synchronization is disabled by default.

  • enabled - True to enable v-sync, false to deactivate it
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