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class HTTP::WebSocket
inherits Reference

Class methods

.new(host : String, path : String, port = nil, tls : HTTP::Client::TLSContext = nil, headers =

Opens a new websocket to the target host. This will also handle the handshake and will raise an exception if the handshake did not complete successfully.

require "http/web_socket""", "/chat")            # Creates a new WebSocket to ``"", "/chat", tls: true) # Creates a new WebSocket with TLS to `ẁ`
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.new(uri : URI | String, headers =

Opens a new websocket using the information provided by the URI. This will also handle the handshake and will raise an exception if the handshake did not complete successfully. This method will also raise an exception if the URI is missing the host and/or the path.

Please note that the scheme will only be used to identify if TLS should be used or not. Therefore, schemes apart from wss and https will be treated as the default which is ws.

require "http/web_socket""ws://"))        # Creates a new WebSocket to ``"wss://"))       # Creates a new WebSocket with TLS to ``"")) # Creates a new WebSocket to `` on port `8080`"ws://"),        # Creates a new WebSocket to `` with an Authorization header
  HTTP::Headers{"Authorization" => "Bearer authtoken"})
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#close(code : CloseCode | Int? = nil, message = nil)

Sends a close frame to the client, and closes the connection. The close frame may contain a body (message) that indicates the reason for closing.

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#closed? : Bool

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#on_binary(&on_binary : Bytes -> )

Called when the server receives a binary message from a client.

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#on_close(&on_close : CloseCode, String -> )

Called when the server closes a client's connection.

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#on_message(&on_message : String -> )

Called when the server receives a text message from a client.

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#on_ping(&on_ping : String -> )

Called when the server sends a ping to a client.

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#on_pong(&on_pong : String -> )

Called when the server receives a pong from a client.

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#ping(message = nil)

It's possible to send a PING frame, which the client must respond to with a PONG, or the server can send an unsolicited PONG frame which the client should not respond to.

See #pong.

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#pong(message = nil)

Server can send an unsolicited PONG frame which the client should not respond to.

See #ping.

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Continuously receives messages and calls previously set callbacks until the websocket is closed. Ping and pong messages are automatically handled.

# Open websocket connection
ws ="", "/chat")

# Set callback
ws.on_message do |msg|
  ws.send "response"

# Start infinite loop
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Sends a message payload (message) to the client.

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#stream(binary = true, frame_size = 1024

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