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class CSV::Builder
inherits Reference

A CSV Builder writes CSV to an IO.

require "csv"

result = do |csv|
  # A row can be written by specifying several values
  csv.row "Hello", 1, 'a', "String with \"quotes\"", '"', :sym

  # Or an enumerable
  csv.row [1, 2, 3]

  # Or using a block, and appending to the row
  csv.row do |row|
    # Appending a single value
    row << 4

    # Or multiple values
    row.concat 5, 6

    # Or an enumerable
    row.concat [7, 8]
puts result


Hello,1,a,"String with ""quotes""","""",sym

Class methods

.new(io : IO, separator : Char = DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, quote_char : Char = DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHAR, quoting : Quoting = Quoting::RFC)

Creates a builder that will write to the given IO.

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Yields a CSV::Row to append a row. A newline is appended to IO after the block exits.

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#row(values : Enumerable)

Appends the given values as a single row, and then a newline.

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Appends the given values as a single row, and then a newline.

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