class Crystal::CacheDir
inherits Reference
Manages cache files in the ".crystal" directory.
For each compiled program a directory is created in the cache that stores .bc and .o files that could possibly be reused from a previous compilation.
To keep the cache dir small, only the 10 most recently used directories are kept. We use the directory's modification time for this.
Class methods¶
Keeps the 10 most recently used directories in the cache, and removes all others.
#directory_for(sources : Array(Compiler::Source))
(sources : Array(Compiler::Source))
Returns the directory where cache files related to the given sources will be stored. The directory will be created if it doesn't exist.
#directory_for(filename : String)
(filename : String)
Returns the directory where cache files related to the given filenames will be stored. The directory will be created if it doesn't exist.