Module urandom


SystemRandom = object 
  bytesIt: iterator (self: var SystemRandom): uint8 {.closure.}
Random number generator based on bytes provided by the operating system's cryptographic source (see urandom)
  • Period: none
  • State: none (but bytes are obtained in 128-byte chunks)


proc urandom(size: Natural): seq[uint8] {.raises: [OSError], 
    tags: [ReadIOEffect].}

Returns a seq of random integers 0 <= n < 256 provided by the operating system's cryptographic source

POSIX: Reads and returns size bytes from the file /dev/urandom.

Windows: Returns size bytes obtained by calling CryptGenRandom. Initialization is done before the first call with CryptAcquireContext(..., PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT).

Raises OSError on failure.

proc urandom[](size: (static[Natural]){lit}): array[size, uint8]
Returns an array of random integers 0 <= n < 256 provided by the operating system's cryptographic source.   Source
proc randomUint8(self: var SystemRandom): uint8 {.inline, raises: [Exception], 
    tags: [RootEffect].}
proc initSystemRandom(): SystemRandom {.raises: [], tags: [].}
Initializes and returns a new SystemRandom   Source